
Join the peer group for agriculture.

Here’s a recent post where the Braintrust Ag community is further explained and explored.

What We Do

Member Benefits

Every other week, members join a Zoom call to share their Stories, Opportunities, Insights, and Lessons on particular ag topics.

Gain access to downloadable resources like eBooks, spreadsheets, calculators, guides, checklists, templates, and media.

Each month, members get to have their questions answered by ag business experts through live, virtual events.

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round bale lot

Meet us better

Our Community in Numbers


engaged members


states represented


months in existence


ag focused content

closeup photography of rice grains

Why You’ll Fit In

Agriculture is a lonely endeavor. So we’re forming a tribe of like minded ag folks dedicated to building better ag operations.

This community is for you if you can relate to these four cornerstones:

1. Business Minded

Fundamental business principles create the sound foundation to build a profitable and sustainable ag operation. By cutting through the noise and focusing on these essentials, we can eliminate distractions, make informed decisions, and work effectively towards long-term legacy building.

2. Foster Connections

A strong network is our lifeline in agriculture. Connecting with like-minded peers and experts not only combats industry isolation but also sparks innovative solutions tailored to our unique challenges. Building lasting relationships reveals the true benefit our community provides.

3. Givers Not Takers

Sharing insights and experiences enriches both individual operations and the industry at large. By adopting a giving mindset and sharing freely of our insights, we create a cycle of mutual benefit that drives overall progress.

4. Legacy Builders

Our focus isn’t on get rich quick schemes, but on building sustainable operations that last for generations. The ultimate reward lies in leaving a lasting, positive impact on both the agricultural industry and the communities we serve.

Rating: 5 out of 5.


I finally found what other entrepreneurs have in other industries… a peer group to bounce business ideas around.


Rating: 5 out of 5.


Thanks to the spreadsheets, eBooks, and knowledge I’ve learned, I was able to get a beginning farmer loan.


Rating: 5 out of 5.


Membership to this group should be $1,000 and $149 per year, not just a one-time price of $149.


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